atypicalset -- 亦云?

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Simply enjoyable.
I've never been looking forward to bed-time readings more than these few days, and the cause is "Linked" by Barabasi from NYPL.
A very accessible whirl-view of network theory densely populated with a wide range of applications, there are places where people with different technical background will involuntarily "aha", as I did. Can't wait to be through the rest of it; can't help wandering a little into the subject, and get a bit more technical - but just a tiny bit, not more ;)
Go to the Book's Site

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Guest Book

Using blog comments as guestbook is just a lazy idea, but I'm still wondering why it didn't quite work out for my last blog. Doesn't hurt to give it one more try:

This is a place for any casual note or whatever you have a slight urge to say :)

Finally Revived

After six months and a few disk crashes it's time to revive my very modest blog. For those who aren't yet bored enough after my home page, here is one more page for procrastination.